Colchagua Wine Lovers

We put real passion & love in what we do.
Sustainable Traveling

“Beyond conventional destinations, Colchagua Wines Lovers offers an intimate and authentic experience. Discover a genuine connection with the land and its traditions. Relax in the tranquility of the landscape and immerse yourself in a captivating and inspiring experience”.

Mauricio Masserano

About us

  • Authentic & Unique: As locals, we know the potential of the Colchagua Valley, so we create unique and authentic wine experiences to bring our identity through real and local scenarios to travelers.
  • Wine Lovers: We are proud of our Valley and we love wine as muchas our travelers.
  • Sustainability: We promote places and activities focused onsustainability to explore our Valley minimizing our environmentalfootprint.
  • Make life easy: Just relax, enjoy with our tours and leave thepaperwork to us.

Our Services

Outdoor activities, Share With Locals, Wine Experiences.


Outdoors Activities


Share with Locals


Wine Experiences



Share with locals


Half day Tours

Full Day Tours

Tailor Made

Contact us

Maurice Masserano

Our Sustainable Partners


star rating  Experiencia maravillosa!!!  - Tuvimos 3 dias maravillosos, Empresa super profesional y organizada!! Nos enriquecimos de la cutura e historia Chilena! Las vinícolas preciosas!! Mauricio es el mejor guia que ya conocimos. Su humor... read more

avatar thumb IsabelChavez2015

star rating  Una experiencia inolvidable  - Atención de calidad, lugares interesantes y distinguidos por sus productos vitícolas, con degustaciones deliciosas y una buena experiencia en sabor de engranajes comida vs. vino.
Calidez, seriedad y honradez del... read more

avatar thumb Silvana Q

star rating  Excelente experiencia  - Yo y mi pareja hipismo el tour de Casablanca y to si quedo muy bien.Maurice es un experto neste tema y tuviéramos una classe sobre vinos ademas de poder desfrutar... read more

avatar thumb jcnv2016